Dedicated to Making a Difference - HSD Community Dashboard


HSD’s Social Services Dashboards
Contributing to the well-being of our whole community is at the core of the Human Services Department’s mission and values. We use data to drive our decision making, improve program effectiveness and increase efficiencies in how we operate. We hope our data dashboards provide you with an informative glimpse into our performance trends, successes and challenges. Click on the images below to access the related dashboards.
For additional information pertaining to the HSD Dashboard please review our Dashboard Methodological Notes.



Employment and Economic Security


Health and Well-Being


Safety and Care



The Human Services Department administers nearly $200 Million in social services funding to provide benefits assistance, child welfare services, adult protective services, housing and homelessness assistance, workforce programming and support for U.S. Veterans. The following dashboard provides an overview for the revenues, revenue sources and the program expenditures that make up the department's funds and spending. Click on the image below to access the HSD Budget Dashboard:

HSD Budget



Social Services Program by Jurisdiction
HSD has partnered with the County’s Geographic Information Systems department to create informative social services maps. Users can search by Board of Supervisors districts, by city or by school district areas to find information on our agency’s various social services. Click on the image below to access these jurisdictional maps.



Social Services Program Maps by Jurisdiction
