CORE Investments Timeline, 2023 - 2025
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CORE Investments FY 2022-23 Annual Report Highlights
Participant Data and Outcomes
A total of 106,935 participants received services by CORE-funded programs, nearly 6,000 more than the goals planned. The largest CORE program reported serving 61,397 unduplicated individuals.

Across CORE-funded programs, awardees reported meeting 81% of their contracted goals, measuring if participants were better off after receiving services. Other outcomes include:
One program prevented 18 families from becoming homeless.
Another program that was able to secure a location in Watsonville offered counseling and group sessions in Spanish.
One program reported improved access to nutritious meals for 284 participants.
Another program reported that 90 percent of callers experienced improved mental health outcomes after engaging with their program’s staff and volunteers.
Additionally, 94% of surveyed CORE program participants reported that they were either “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with program services.
A central focus of CORE is uncovering and addressing root causes of inequities to advance the CORE Conditions of Health and Well-Being. CORE-funded programs were asked to report on how their organization promoted equity:
31 programs (53%) provided equity-focused work trainings and workgroups for their staff and addressed issues of access.
14 programs (24%) increased the number of staff that reflect the population they serve including bilingual staff and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) staff.
32 programs (55%) worked to share best practices among staff through ongoing professional development opportunities as well as offering equity-related trainings and staff diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) workgroups.

We will continue to work closely with funded organizations and assist them in meeting their goals. Next steps include:
Conducting site visits and prioritizing programs that are struggling to meet their goals.
Offering program specific assistance based on the challenges and technical assistance needs identified in this report.
Collecting data from programs through semi-annual and annual reporting.
And, the CORE Institute will continue to offer trainings and technical assistance to both CORE-funded programs and the community focusing on identified needs.
Read the full FY 2022-23 CORE Annual Report, HERE