IHSS Payroll FAQ's



What is the hourly wage for IHSS providers?

Are there any tax deductions?

How long will it take to receive my paycheck?

How do I contact payroll for another county?

Do I have to sign up for Direct Deposit?

How do I sign up for Direct Deposit?

Verification of Employment for IHSS independent providers (“Provider”)




IHSS Fiscal staff are responsible for many functions which include 

  • Issuing new/supplemental  electronic timesheets, 
  • Reviewing timesheets with errors,
  • Canceling lost or stolen checks, and
  • Responding to employment verification forms

For counties other than Santa Cruz, please go to http://www.cdss.ca.gov/inforesources/County-IHSS-Offices to contact your county.


Phone: Use the automated confidential phone line (831) 454-7315 or

Email us at HSDIHSSFISCAL@santacruzcountyca.gov 

Always include:

  1. Your name as it appears on your IHSS timesheet.
  2. Your provider number, found on the top of your timesheet, or your social security number.
  3. The date of the pay period you have a question about.
  4. A brief explanation of your problem so that it can be promptly researched or resolved.
  5. A phone number where you can be reached if more information is needed.

Due to the volume of calls, IHSS Fiscal will give priority to solving your problem and may not return your call if your request can be addressed without a call. 

You can expect a return call within two business days if:

  • Your pay has not been received within 10 working days since your timesheet was received by the Timesheet Processing Facility in West Sacramento.
  • More information is needed to research your question or problem.
  • Your question has been researched and there is information to report.
  • Your payment has been delayed.

Reasons that your call might not be returned:

  • You have requested a form - the form will be mailed within two business days.
  • You have requested a replacement timesheet - timesheets will be issued electronically to you.
  • Insufficient information left on voice mail message to Fiscal your message was not clear or your voicemail is not accepting messages.

What is the hourly wage for IHSS providers?

As of 3/1/2025 IHSS providers in Santa Cruz County earn $20.50 per hour.

Are there any tax deductions?

Although income tax withholding is voluntary, all IHSS Providers remain subject to both Federal and State income tax regulations, and their earnings remain taxable. If an IHSS Provider wants federal and/or state income tax withheld from his/her paycheck, he/she must complete the appropriate Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate form(s): a W-4 for Federal Income Tax (FIT)  and, if necessary, a DE-4 for State Income Tax (SIT).  If a provider does not want FIT or (SIT) withheld, he/she does not need to complete /file an Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate form(s).

IHSS wages received by IHSS providers who live in the same home as the recipient of those services are excluded from gross income for purposes of federal and state income tax. A live-in provider must fill out a SOC 2298 Live-In Self Certification Form for Federal and State Tax Wage Exclusion in order to receive this benefit. Fiscal new provider packet information will include tax forms, including SOC2298 form.

How long will it take to receive my paycheck?

For timesheets submitted electronically using the Electronic System Portal (ESP) or the Telephone Timesheet Service (TTS), the standard processing time is 5 to 6 business days.   Timesheets mailed and completed without errors should be paid within 10 working days (this does not include weekends and holidays) from the date it is received by West Sacramento Processing Facility. 

How do I contact payroll for another county?

Visit the California Department of Social Services Contact Your County Offices webpage.

Do I have to sign up for Direct Deposit?

Yes, beginning July 1, 2022, IHSS and WPCS providers will be required to use Direct Deposit or a pay card to have their IHSS paychecks automatically deposited into a bank account or onto a pay card of their choice. Providers who use the IHSS Electronic Services Portal (ESP) and receive their paychecks electronically receive their paychecks faster.

If you do not wish to or do not have access to a bank account, the California Department of Social Services has identified pay card offerings from the financial services industry that meet the State’s requirements on consumer protection, excessive fees, insurance, and notifications, however, providers can select any pay card provider they choose. Visit the CDSS website for a current listing

Please contact the pay card provider of your choice directly for questions on pay card details and additional information.


How do I sign up for Direct Deposit?

Using the Online Direct Deposit Enrollment Service to enroll in direct deposit is easy:  log into your ESP account on the IHSS ESP website, then select the Direct Deposit option in the Menu located at the top of the screen and follow the instructions.

It takes approximately 30 days to start receiving Direct Deposit after you successfully submit your Online Direct Deposit enrollment request.

You should continue to submit your timesheets on time while you wait for Direct Deposit to begin. A  Direct Deposit enrollment request and/or use of Direct Deposit does not change the way you submit your timesheets.  

  • IHSS/WPCS providers who have general questions about Direct Deposit can call the IHSS Service Desk during business hours at 1-866-376-7066.
  • IHSS/WPCS providers who have questions about creating or accessing their ESP account or entering their direct deposit information online can call the IHSS Service Desk during business hours at 1-866-376-7066.

If you would like to enroll for Direct Deposit via paper form you can Download Direct Deposit Forms. Please remember that you must submit a separate form for each IHSS recipient for whom you work. If there are no timesheets submitted for 60 days, you will be dis-enrolled from direct deposit and will have to re-enroll. Once all sections of the form are complete, please sign, date and mail to:

Provider Forms Processing Center 
PO Box 1697 
West Sacramento, CA 95691-6697


Verification of Employment for IHSS independent providers (“Provider”)

Instructions & Important Information 

The County of Santa Cruz In-Home Supportive Services program and the  California  Department of Social Services (CDSS)  ARE NOT THE EMPLOYER. However, verification that an IHSS Independent Provider ("Provider") has been employed by one or more recipients of the IHSS program can be provided. It is not our policy to complete or fill in employer or agency forms.  The IHSS Independent Provider Verification of Employment Request Form is the only authorized form available for use by our office.

IHSS FISCAL Fax Number: 831-454-4025

IHSS FISCAL Email address: HSDIHSSFISCAL@santacruzcounty.us

  • Please allow up to 5 business days for processing. Multiple inquiries or incomplete requests will delay processing.
  • If the request is incomplete or illegible, Fiscal will not be able to process your request.
  • Re-verifications will not be provided if it has been less than 30 days since we last provided verifications.
  • Any subsequent request for income and employment MUST be accompanied by a new signed release with a current signature date.
  • Provider payments are issued by the State Controller’s office, based on the number of service hours claimed and approved for payment by the IHSS recipient/authorized representative. The information being provided is based on available data. Providers do not receive holiday pay or bonuses.

The following is the only information that our office will be able to provide:

  • Start Date
  • Hourly Wage
  • Most recent payment received and dates of services
  • Last pay period date (only available when termination of employment has been reported to the IHSS program by IHSS recipient and/or Provider)
  • Wage Verification for up to two years

Below is the information that we cannot provide:

  • Reasons for termination (or verification of reasons for termination).
  • The number of hours worked, hours assigned, or overtime hours.
  • Anticipated pay.
  • Verification of employment if the Provider did not work for IHSS in Santa Cruz County.
  • Verification of wages or employment status pertaining to a specific IHSS recipient. All wages will be combined.
  • Pay Stubs
  • Additional dates, re-verification, verbal verification, or any other information
  • IHSS recipient’s name(s) or case number
  • Verification of current employment status (cannot verify if Provider is actively employed, took a break, leave of absence)


IHSS Provider Forms

As an IHSS Provider, you can now perform several changes via the Electronic Service Portal (ESP) website. You will also find a copy of these forms on our IHSS Payroll Forms page

  • Submit a Change of Address or Telephone Number form (SOC840)
  • Sign up or change Direct Deposit
  • Obtain & complete the IHSS Provider Hiring Agreement (SOC 426A) Form
  • Complete travel claims timesheets
  • Submit an electronic sick leave request